
So you're saying jews are the new gays? Oy vey.

I understand why some people liked the heart joke but it doesn't work for me.

The difference in size between Joel McHale in last episode's 'heart' scene and this episode suggests they deliberately reshot the 'heart scene' to add the post-production effects, which would also explain the strange choice of set.

The second episode had some off-putting direction in places.

Perhaps so, but that doesn't mean Iron Man 2 was a good film.

Easily my least favourite episode of the series.

It was great to see Ken Jeong enthuse about Remedial Chaos Theory, an episode he wasn't even in.

wtf is bent lol

I genuinely believe there is plenty of life left in the concept but the show has been horribly mishandled. I don't think it would be especially hard to retool The Office back into a genuinely good show, and retooling rather than dumping the show is likely the smart commercial decision for NBCUniversal.

That's exactly what is happening, the article is wrong.

A Dwight spin-off is a horrible idea, but I think a decent spin-off could be constructed around Erin.

I actually think The Office is salvageable and NBC should treat this as a blessing in disguise. They should bring in a new show-runner with an eye on retooling the show, including dumping most of the existing cast.

Whitney and Chelsea pulled 1.6 and 1.4 respectively. I wouldn't be surprised if NBC renew Whitney.

The most surprising part of this story is that there's someone in show business who professes to actually like Chevy Chase.

That's only because they haven't yet released a Biker Mice From Mars film.

I believe the US pilot was a shot-for-shot remake of the UK pilot (which predates TBBT).

That… actually makes a lot of sense.

I am beginning to wonder whether it was always NBC's plan to give the show a relaunch after the hiatus.