
Oh, and once Community ends (after the requisite six seasons and a movie), I would like see Dan Harmon do a cable series. I think he could thrive doing 12 episodes per season and I think budget limitations would help rather than hinder creativity.

I'd honestly be more surprised if Harmon wasn't already aware of this thread, and wouldn't be particularly surprised if he was a regular reader.

Clearly you should get a new girlfriend and also tell her to watch Community. You're doing god's work.

I kinda feel sorry for Dan Harmon. He's in a cycle where he's created something brilliant and people love it, but it's created a weight of expectation so he feels under constant pressure to outdo his best.

If I remember correctly, Dan Harmon won an Emmy for it, not an Oscar.

It'd be bold, but I suspect it's self-defeating because their audiences likely have a lot of overlap.

Problem is that NBC want a Voice results show and you couldn't put that on Friday.

Not surprising.

I don't want to sound bitchy or be a hipster cliché, but Gillian Jacobs looks so much better with natural-looking lips than when she wears lots of lipstick.

I love Jeopardy and it really annoys me that it seems impossible to watch it, legally or illegally, outside the US.

It's play on the old joke "Why was 6 afraid of 7? Because 7 ate 9".

Sony own a huge network of satellite channels across the world using both the Sony Entertainment Television and the AXN brands.

I think Jacobs realises just how lucky she is, that she has won the career lottery, and is massively appreciative of the opportunity she's had. Brown definitely does too.

It's an obscure satellite channel, but there's a couple of positives to take from it.

If Awake maintains a 1.6 and doesn't drop much further then it's more likely than not to be renewed.

It's tough to compare them.

Two Broke Girls is a great concept for a show that's been hamfisted by horrible writing.

We've just stopped being a thread for a Community episode. We've become something unstoppable. We are now… a community.