
I would like to speak on behalf of everybody in the thread by saying that we hope that we, in some way, contributed to the 502 Bad Gateway error messages.

We’ve gone mainstream. Initiate Protocol Omega.

I haven't noticed Disqus acting much worse with 30,000 posts.

If you're going for a complete blackout, there's also a couple of clips from the next episode and a few extra details.

I can't be sure because it doesn't work internationally, but is this another new Rash/McHale promo?

Indeed. They advertised it on Deadline before the start of season 3.

The main difference is that Jane actually has something resembling a consistent character whereas Lily is solely used to represent whatever female stereotype the writers decide to use that week.

Saying ABC is "basically burning off" Happy Endings is a bit misleading.

If there's one thing that NBC do well, it's being a good sport in making fun of themselves.

To be fair, it's might not have been NBC. It could have easily been Sony Pictures Television or the Community production staff.

I see the Community justin.tv stream got shutdown.

NBC are expanding The Voice to an additional hour on Tuesdays and reducing The Biggest Loser to a single hour.

That said, it's nowhere near as entertaining as the Community panel

It's certainly one up on The CW's "What do you mean you've never heard of us?"

I love Parks and Recreation but I'll have to bow out as I can't deal with staying up until crazy hours of the morning again.