

Looks like NBC are back, if only for one night a week.

I've seen every episode (bar the last one). I went through them trying to understand its appeal so I could justify my dislike, and possibly because I'm a masochist.

I apparently now read "Spoiler Alert" in Alison Brie's voice.

That's a good picture, especially since it includes a major reason Community has managed to last three seasons.

It's impossible to judge whether the cast of The Big Bang Theory are good actors from the show because it doesn't provide any opportunity for them to show any range.

Some general morning after thoughts on the Community panel:

It's called a complisult. Part compliment, part insult. He invented them. I coined the term. See what I just did there? That was an explanabrag.

Wow, it's painfully obvious Disney has no idea whatsoever how to market John Carter. Their pull-quote is hilarious: "the first big blockbuster of the year". That was the best they could do? Really?

It's a completely obvious gag that's been done to death, though. It's as though nobody had any ideas this week.

I feel I should start my Smash/The Voice promo drinking game from the Super Bowl again.

Seth Meyers is so flat at doing Weekend Update. It was so much better with Poehler last episode

It was quite a long monologue, she was looking at the cue-cards. Fair enough.

Yeah, it's horrible, but the writing of the sketch is absolutely horrendous.

I really, really enjoyed that. Worth staying up until 4:45am for. Great stuff.

McHale is being, well, McHale, seemingly slightly smug and above-it-all.

It starts at 3am in my time zone.