
I've bought some branded caffeinated soft drink so I can stay up until 3am to watch it.

First time that I've watched this in years, having heard about its decline. Pretty incredible how much the show has decayed since the last time I watched it.

I've only ever seen Jimmy Kimmel's interviews with Joel McHale and Alison Brie, but is that representative of Kimmel? He seems like a complete charisma vacuum, standing in stark contrast with Ferguson.

Perhaps I'm being overoptimistic but I can see NBC doing quite a bit of Community promotion.

Link. Gillian is on 38 minutes in.

To save others looking it up, in metric it's 3am UTC.

For me, easily the best episode of the season so far.

It doesn't seem to have much impact. For example, Ringer dropped 25% after its premiere and Chelsea dropped 22%.

That's pretty good, and slightly better than I was expecting (a 1.8).

Agreed on the pacing. The episode was a bit all-over-the-place but the tempo never allowed it to get boring, standing in contrast to the first few episodes of the season.


I hope Abed calls out the Subway product placement referencing Chuck/Cougar Town.

A powerful portrait of grief… structured around a by-the-numbers procedural. That's the problem. Anyone interested in a show about family and grief will be turned off.

Its ratings are so bad that I can't imagine NBC bringing it back next year.

I watched it a while back.

The staggering amount of pilots needs to be put in context of the staggering amount of programming NBC need to replace over the next two years.

This post exists because Disqus is a useless piece of shit.

The Office is a more universal concept than Parks and Recreation.

The concept for this show sounds quite similar to Tina Fey's original pitch for the show that developed into 30 Rock that the network rejected.

I think it's a genius decision to get Lohan to host regardless of how the episode pans out. Ratings gold.