
I was 15 when the Fragile came out, so I was exactly in the right spot for those lyrics. Returning to it years later I was disappointed to find how weak a lot of them are. But I think the Fragile musically still holds up incredibly well.

The second half of the Great Destroyer from that album is basically that. Year Zero is great. Also, is there some kind of critical consensus alternate reality where The Fragile isn't considered amazing? Curse of the double album maybe.

So, books?

That does make sense actually. Thanks!

It's always been the 'hash' symbol in Australia, which makes it strange that the term hashtag isn't called 'poundtag', since Twitter is American-based and all.

How did Walt have Jesse's phone number to leave that message about wanting to settle things? Wasn't that phone a burner Saul gave him so Jesse could contact him in case the vacuum cleaner guy didn't show up (we see the Hello Kitty case when Hank finds the phone)? I think I'm probably wrong and forgetting something,

This must have been one of the things that was backlogged. When the mass exodus was announced, they did mention their names will pop up over the next few months on previously written entries to pieces like this.

From memory, that episode falls in the middle of an arc that won't make much sense to you if you saw nothing before it. You should definitely try that again, from the start.

And if you read Paul Jennings a kid, the remote control just reminds you of the Spaghetti Pig-Out and you can't take it seriously.

You must remedy this with a quick dose of Hedwig and the Angry Inch.

That's the way to go Franco UnAmerican.

Awesome. Thanks for that link. I was assigned a lot of Bordwell & Thompson at uni; I didn't know they had an active blog.


Looking up Point of No Return, because I thought I'd never heard of it, I find it's the movie I know as The Assassin, as it was released as in Australia. The more you know…

First thing I thought of too when I saw that camera.

Possibly the greatest joke ever.

Yeah, as if every actor is blessed with brilliant comic improv abilities. I just heard an interview with Armando Iannucci where he said that people assume all his work is improvised, even though everything is heavily scripted; it's just that they rehearse it and get it so natural (and he allows actors to rephrase

"And only two of those members
have special rings."
"Yeah! *awesome noise*"


@avclub-7cb1afde44997f2c8ac907d6f384a92f:disqus He doesn't get that much anymore.