
I have always just thought that line was a joke referencing what parents invariably say when their kids ask, for example, "You get mother's day; when's children's day?" —  "Every day is children's day!"

@avclub-edb4298fb247e84edd2dd6fe38c9ab78:disqus Exactly my point. And there are lot worse improvised things than Curb.

The Office (UK) was completely scripted. It might have a 'tossed off feel' but it's totally scripted, bar a few minor things. Curb is great and completely improvised, but even then I feel a little goes a long way. Like Edgar said, people repeat dialogue and ideas when improvising and it gets stale. Not sure what the

Hey, he's a person just like you.

Oh wow, I thought you would have got it at the same time as us (Australia). Bummer.

"Most people ask if it’s improvised, which kind of baffles me because it
is very precise. We write the script and we rehearse the script and
occasionally we bring in lines during the rehearsal process. But it is a
very precise script because we try not to have repetition of dialogue,
or if there is repetition, it’s

Thank you!

I was wondering why this wasn't up earlier but then I realised it came out everywhere else before the US. 

Mr. Lizard is amazing. Thank you for the suggestion.

Isn't it a leap of logic to assume that the graffiti was from someone who didn't know the difference between paedophile and paediatrician? It could just as well have been a teenager who knew the difference but thought it was a funny thing to pretend not to know. If I'd been inclined to graffiti when I was a teenager,

Actually, I'd love the HateSong to be a fight, to make the guests actually defend their opinions, but yeah, I get what you're saying.

@driscollobos:disqus Shouldn't the term make you mega uncomfortable anyway, since it's a homophobic slur?

Is that in reference to the fact that there's no actual review up for this or has my computer gone bad?

I remember the lawyer as being black too but I could be wrong. Tyler Perry is an interesting choice, if so. He was OK in…Star Trek?

Handsome face that people want to punch could explain Affleck, who I like but yeah.

I really liked the book but, yes, with Fincher this could be amazing.

I tend to agree, though I suspect it improves with each viewing, much like Hot Fuzz did for me. It takes a little while to warm up, which is actually refreshing in this day and age of in media res movies.

If I recall correctly from the book, her character is a stripper but there is no scene of her actually stripping. Of course, that could change for the film. The idea, though, is (not really a spoiler) that she's a stripper who can't get many shifts because she's gettting too old (Hendricks is 38, which is about right).

I think it's something like some of the Nevermind songs were written/recorded while they were still with Sub Pop. I vaguely recall something about it in the Nevermind Classic Albums episode.

So, I guess you're just going to keep with the egging on? It's like I don't even comment here every HateSong with the same complaint.