
Black Adder I is quite different from the others, and it's the only one co-written by Rowan Atkinson, before (I think) Ben Elton replaced him. I agree that it gets better as it goes along, though III is my favourite.

Their first album with Anselmo, Power Metal, is actually a lot better and not so far removed from Cowboys from Hell. They still refuse to acknowledge it in any official way, though, unfortunately.

Ah, that dreaded blue sky! *shakes fist*

Not having read Neuromancer, that's kind of what I thought that description actually meant.

@avclub-ef7d8ff636c7f5e86f5e63b5acfd2859:disqus No problem. I haven't gotten around to reading Beginners but it seems like a very interesting idea. There's an interview with his widow around the time it came out here:

Isn't that what Beginners was?

One hundred percent correct. I wish I could think of an example, but the worst is when the author clearly hasn't even thought about how you would put those lyrics to music and so there are way too many syllables per line etc.

Yeah, I'm not sure if Cathedral can be considered underappreciated, except in that it didn't get Stephen King-level sales or anything. I could be wrong.

I still cannot believe that's considered a swear word in the US.

I think the question allowed for many variations. When I first saw the topic, I thought it would be more of a 'Great art, douche artist' thing.

They do in the Live at the Hollywood Bowl version. Gilliam's Mao, if I recall correctly.

Truly scrumptious comment.

The one the Simpsons are parodying in the ending of Selma's Choice.

I guess that's kind of the point, though. I don't think Cobain's given the credit he deserves for pointing out how silly rock posturing is.

Awesome. Thank you for reminding me of that song.

Oh man, I hadn't even thought of that. I've been refreshing my iTunes ever since the premiere. I hope it comes back.

I, for one, actually really like the pulpy aspects of Breaking Bad.

Also, something that still happens in all TV/film depictions of poker — the constant string betting. "I see your x…and raise you y." Never fails to annoy me, which is more my problem than anyone else's.

The most 1994 thing about the poker episode is that they're all playing five-card draw instead of Texas hold 'em.