
Norwegians but point taken.

You mean the one he murdered?

His interviews in that are bizarre. The film makes him come across are more, I don't know, rehabilitated I guess, than he obviously turned out to be. I think maybe the filmmakers were awed by him and they just used the flattering footage.

I looked him up on Spotify recently and was suprised to find how many albums he's released since he got out. And he's gone back to more of a black metal sound, now he can play with guitars again. (When in prison, he had some racist explanation for not using guitars anymore, but turns out he just wasn't allowed to have

That would have been awesome.

Yeah, I think they tried to cover it once and dismissed it as 'two guys talking with a non-famous, non-American guest'. Pity.

So, three Nerdists and no Stop Podcasting Yourself? What gives, AV Club?

I cannot believe this isn't listed in the article. AV Club must just hate Canadians.

The boards on the imdb page for this have suggested Lizzy Kaplan or Jennifer Carpenter, which I could see working.

Yeah, but his dead-eyed performance might work here, since part of the reason that SPOILER MAYBE he is suspected of killing his wife is that he doesn't show enough emotion. He is probably too old now, though.

From memory, that happens mostly in the first couple of books (before they were super-popualr and famous). After the third or fourth one, it assumes a great deal of knowledge and they are easier to read one after the other.

So, have they just given up on recapping these?

As someone who has never seen Happy Endings and loves New Girl, I don't really have any interest in seeing Junior's character from the pilot return, especially if it meant getting rid of or minimising Winston. That's how things work, right? Only one black character per sitcom.


Did anyone see her reality show Number One Single? It was about her trying to find a man…get it?

So, who tricked Al into wearing what he's got on in that photo?

Yes! I said this elsewhere, but what's up with the egging on?

It makes me wonder what music Jeselnik actually enjoys. He comes across as too sarcastic to like any music genuinely.

It's one of the weaker tracks on the album, but Superunknown has 16 songs and I wouldn't call any of them bad. Black Hole Sun got overplayed, sure, but I didn't think anyone actively hated it.

"Every key of this song is designed to annoy." Is there even a key change in this song? I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure there's not.