
It's over. You win. We can all go home now.

"I've never really liked Zeek, but now, I won't even be upset when he's gone. I'll probably shed a tear or two, but only because the other actors are so great, and they will be acting sad."

It's not low-risk experimentation for everyone. That's a myth. Everyone's experiences are different. Jay_Z was being encouraging and I agree with them. Besides, not messing up when you're in college can protect someone from a lot of trauma, if they're a sensitive/vulnerable person. Working on getting a mate later on

Have to say I totally get that. Sometimes I just need to rewatch something familiar. Rectify is amazing though and honestly not that heavy. Tough to watch occasionally, for sure, but also heartwarming and hilariously deadpan.

I like this shows take on love. It sends a good message that it isn't all about big moments and showy romantic gestures (like the rom-com obsessed Mindy used to think). Danny untangling Mindy from her ear buds was adorable.

OK, I'm convinced. Adam and Kristina move into the Bravermen compound-turned-school, Crosby and Jasmine move up into the mid-range family house, Zeke and Camille go in to the little house and fix up the hardwood floors. Win, win, win.

Isn't that often what happens though? You see a house, fall in love and then your own sale falls through so you can't have it…


I really enjoyed this ep and the scene with Alex and Claire at the end had me tearing up.

ugh. did not mean to vote up my own comment. bah.

The apportioning of blame going on in these comments about the depiction of Julia and Joel's marriage fascinates me. Some of the blame is being directed at Joel, some at Julia and some at the writers. To me the reaction shows just how messy and conflicted the whole thing is, so it's clearly working on some level.

It's not just you. They're perfect together, which makes the stakes even higher that Cliff and Mindy are genuinely into each other. (Of course, that arc will end because of Cliff's predilections for a) dating women judged to be the hottest in the universe or b) hooking up with randos out of frustration.)

Look at you plaguing the reviewer with excessive apostrophes.

Two reasons:
1. If Glenn Howerton, Tim Olyphant and Chris Messina had all appeared in the same episode the universe might have exploded from teh hawtness. As it is, we're lucky Adam Pally is playing an obnoxious fratboy character and Ed Weeks a buffoon, as this takes the hawtness threat level down to manageable

DDD is a show I often watch on fast forward but have never quite managed to quit. I think it's because it shows ambition just often enough and has emotional resonance now and then.

Things have been trying since Ben Feldman left Drop Dead Diva, the show in which he first came to (my) notice. Ginsberg helped, a little, but occasional glimpses were almost worse than not having him on my TV screen at all. And let's face it, even when he is around, Ginsberg's kind of a tragic character, and the

The stray observations on this review are awesome, including all the exclamation points!

@avclub-5d29fed55b7753192702e35e0510796f:disqus This comment makes New Girl seem more interesting than it has in ages.

I don't either, usually! There must be something about the underdog nature of this show that brings out my teacher-ey side.

B+ is exactly right and that's the season grade I'd give it because I think the show still has somewhere to go. The Mindy Project comes off as a little messy and amateurish sometimes in the way it's shot and edited, which is unfortunate, but that's really my only criticism of this season and it's not a big one. Isn't