
I agree he was provoked into the remark about Mindy losing weight but fear of flying is pretty intense for some people and Danny responds to stress by acting out - sometimes verbally and sometimes physically. Turns out, he can be abrasive in a not-so-awesome way, just like Mindy. It does add something to his

I thought it was interesting. My take is that it was about a deep-seated fear of flying and internalised gender expectations coming out at a moment of stress/anxiety. So, in a way it did come up up again, when he was terrified when they hit turbulence on the way home.

I agree with everything you said, especially that this show is never going to be New Girl. The reason The Mindy Project is never going to be New Girl is because they're not the same show. They're nothing like each other.

This review is disappointing.

This comparison is just all kinds of wrong (though you're right about the grade). The dynamic between the characters isn't that different but the shows are doing totally different things.

I actually didn't find it sub par, so consider yourself thanked for lowering my expectations. It wasn't up there with 'Injured' or 'Fluffer' but hey…That's why my expectations keep getting raised - because they set the bar so damn high!

I liked your comment until the sad news at the end that I have only a 'very sub par' episode of New Girl to look forward to. But then, I will keep on having high expectations of New Girl and it's always a mistake, so I should thank you really. I never have high expectations of The Mindy Project and pretty much always

Oh, they totally had sex. Kalinda didn't shut him down this time. He played it perfectly casual, she thought it was totally hot and then they got out of there. God, I love these two.

I'll take half-hearted, let's-get-to-it-already flirting and that last smouldering look in the bar over showing what went down.

They didn't sleep together that time, Cary changed his mind and walked away.

Good review but disappointing that the two female characters mentioned were both referred to as "bitches" by the reviewer, who apparently concurred with the rape victim's judgment of Lydia. Lydia is not mean or uncaring - she is one of the few characters on the show with real integrity and pretty much the only one

Damnit. That'll teach me for wanting an episode of Alicia, Cary and Kalinda teaming up while wearing pretty outfits. Florrick, Agos and Associates was perfect writerly cruelty and it just about killed me. 

Bollocks. TV is a collaborative medium, more than most. Not to take anything away from Mike White - he's been instrumental in bringing a thought-provoking show that looks gorgeous to the screen and I hope it runs for as long as there are still stories to tell about Amy, Tyler, Levi, Helen and the rest.

It does seem unlikely. But she's been acting inauthentically ever since she accepted the proposal. Mark's also responsible for inviting the shit storm that's about to break over their heads, given that he proposed after Sarah tried to break up with him. Their stupid impulse to salvage a relationship that was dead in

It does seem unlikely. But she's been acting inauthentically ever since she accepted the proposal. Mark's also responsible for inviting the shit storm that's about to break over their heads, given that he proposed after Sarah tried to break up with him. Their stupid impulse to salvage a relationship that was dead in

I know, right? I was really looking forward to seeing some parallels develop between Cary and Nick Savarese (so fun as they are totally the same physical type) and wishing the producers had stuck to their guns with the Nick/Kalinda story. OK, it was lame and a bit bizarre up until last week but the season is still

I know, right? I was really looking forward to seeing some parallels develop between Cary and Nick Savarese (so fun as they are totally the same physical type) and wishing the producers had stuck to their guns with the Nick/Kalinda story. OK, it was lame and a bit bizarre up until last week but the season is still

There wouldn't be anything wrong with waiting until season 5 is out on DVD. But if you're going to start sooner than that, there's a case to be made that season 1 with the original show runner is way better than season 2.
I still enjoy it for the performances and visuals but the writing this season has been weak. Not

There wouldn't be anything wrong with waiting until season 5 is out on DVD. But if you're going to start sooner than that, there's a case to be made that season 1 with the original show runner is way better than season 2.
I still enjoy it for the performances and visuals but the writing this season has been weak. Not

Don't watch the Office, but that monologue was totally David Brent.