Anthony John Agnello

The credit goes to my wonderful editors for tossing in that Tam o'Shanter-wearing bastard's first name.

You do, but it's actually pretty enjoyable. All but a few are completely optional, but I found myself seeking them out.

It's a little different but Meat Boy is indeed a good benchmark. Put it this way: If you can comfortably play Mega Man using a keyboard, you'll be fine. I couldn't play it for shit using the keyboard though.

I can confidently say that this review spoils nothing of what makes Corpse Party so scary when you play it.

It's freaking heartbreaking, isn't it? This game more than any other this year really needed to be released in a window where it could breathe. I'm really hoping it gets some strong word of mouth.

I would have killed a man in order to get that shoe in this game.

It really seems like the PixelJunk series has fallen into a rut. Three shooting games in a row now, after a run of very disparate games. Once the new Move thing they're working on—PixelJunk Life Like? PixelJunk RaverGirl Sim 1999? Whatever it's called—is done, I'm hoping the get back to making PixelJunk Dungeons. That

I'd say that Mass Attack blows Canvas Curse out of the water actually.

Having worked at the Borders at Carousel Mall throughout the back half of 1999, during the first crazy rush of American Pottermania and the rise of Pokemon cards, I can honestly say good riddance to that horrible place. On the very day I started in August, the two managers sat everyone down to explain why we'd playing

Pretty much. It's better but not enough so to make the line game as relevant as it actually is in football. Hence why it still makes more sense to run hail marys every single play in single player than it does to actually make smart decisions on the field.

That comment was removed because of the horrible secrets behind my bowel movements.

See, what's so cres about that is, you don't even know.

It was really disappointing. The fundamentals are all there in the fighting but it's really just a swing and a miss. The sprite work is gorgeous though. There are some effects that are just excellent too, like the rain that reacts when you jump through it. If there was just a little more variety in the level design,

Yeah, no getting around how far the Square of today is from the one of ten years ago. I'm often impressed with how weird their portable games are play wise. Crisis Core, 3rd Birthday, Dissidi, The Wolrd Ends With You, etc. are freaking weird mechanically. As narrative works go, pretty much everything they make

Yeah I failed to mention how chatty it is. That's standard for the series though. For some reason, manually skipping through dialogue in Okami games is not allowed. It's not a deal breaker unless you're the impatient type.

Bionic Commando Rearmed producer Ben Judd from a Joystiq interview:

The villain is something of a disappointment. On paper he sounds awesome: a Fidel Castro proxy who builds giant robots. He does not live up to that promise.

It does appear, albeit briefly.

Often… in the '90s. And in Warren Ellis comics.

I wouldn't necessarily say that it's more compelling than the Trace Memory and Hotel Dusk/Last Window duos, but 999's a smoother game. Cing's games have incredible stories but some of their puzzles are obnoxious.