
Haha, I think 'I'd Sky Captain her World of Tomorrow has potential. It certainly sounds naughty.

No pinkie, that's how it works. Then the tentacles come out.

Haha , a sweatass job. That sounds like it would be terrible. I guess all the coke would make you sweaty though.

How does he play with the umbilical cord still attached and all?

They were all just really fucking stupid and they were most definitely aimed at a male demographic. So what? The majority of commercials are pretty stupid.

Well, he was gonna win some smug self-satisfaction but apparently he's already got enough.

I just like to say misogyny. Misogyny! What happened to good all fashioned bigotry? Bigots make me want to buy cars and soaps.

Dude, nobody won anything.

Nipples, you talking about the episode where there's like a surf contest and they wait for everyone to flush their toilets and ride the toilet wave? Toilet. That was a pretty cool cartoon all things considered, certainly better than anything that happens above ground during the halftime show.

Eh, he doesn't really bother me, he fills the stalker position and after him there will be another. It's just the way things work. Grey man, you seem so angry though, have you considered just having a good cry and letting it all out? You'll probably feel better afterward.

Please Oprah, colored sidekick.

I find the most erotic part of a woman is the boobies. That episode was on the other day.

There just isn't enough heroin in the Ocean County area…

Don't be fatuous Blue Floyd.

Yeah but what if one of them tried to talk to you? As a resident of New Jersey I can assure you that no matter how attractive they may be it's just not worth it dude.

Yea but who knows when you'll snap and start performing unwanted buttsecks on all of us irregular? How many will have to suffer before you are brought under control?

I fucking hated Capri sun.

Hah, your mom's a silly whore

AVADAR!!! It was an okay movie, cool to look at and stuff. Definitely no Die Hard, not even a Die Hard with a Vengeance. I saw it with my little brother and he was impressed. The mating was a little awkward and I think everyone in the theater felt that way. It wasn't the tentacle part because I spend a fair amount of

Holy shit, I must have seen Christopher Lloyd screaming about being frozen at least a hundred times. That is the only knowledge I have of Suburban commando. TMNT 2 on vhs, woot!!