
Actually, no.

Fair enough. Oh, but wait…

Incidentally, do not look up what Elgorting means on Urban Dictionary. You've been forewarned.

*slow jerk*

Fortunately, the game ended before some asshole added "ing" to the end of it for some cheap points.

The dream of the 00's is alive again!

She just needed some good dickfish.

Too soon.

Honestly, I'd be shocked if it wasn't already picked.

Upvoted for Excellence in Star Trek references.

Quantum of Sauce au Poivre

Melissa McCarthy will only let you up after you declare that "girls rule and boys drool."

The Nuremburg defense will not absolve them of their crimes.

Great job taking the one thing and making it look like another thing, Internet.

Scooby Doo suddenly makes more sense now.

The next installment of the Step Up series should just be straight up monkeys.

Strangers on the Fastest Hunk of Junk in the Galaxy

Strangers on a Budget Asian Airliner

What thing?

The A.V. Club