
Sorry, someone already made that joke. Probably an underrated genius…

Don't you mean Gus Van Can't?

Can one passively masturbate?

Discreetly? Prude.

I lot of anger in that post. I like it.

"I AM TIRED OF THESE MOTHERFUCKIN' STRANGERS ON THIS MOTHERFUCKIN' TRAIN" is probably not going to make the final cut of the script.

Nothing a graduate of the Disney School of Acting can't ruin!

Can one be so uninteresting that they are interesting?

Mark Walhberg could have prevented Jar Jar Binks from ruining Episode I.


Oh yeah, as if there aren't strong ties with the decision makers in Hollywood with D.C. power brokers.

She lost a bet.

I loved it as well and saw it a handful of times on IMAX 70MM. It was glorious. He'll get snubbed at the Oscars, too, for sure.

But Clint Eastwood didn't and he's very self-conscious about them. They didn't want Angelina Jolie showing up not waving her tits around in his face.

No need to mention the snub for Christopher Nolan since everyone here hated Interstellar, right?

Also, they should direct their age.

And did someone say Mr. Mister?



Hurtful, but fitting.