
I can't to see who they'll cast for Senor Tropical Depression.

Actually, the speed The Flash travels through the air would heat it up into a plasma because of the immense amount of friction. That plasma envelope around him would vaporize the rain droplets before they even got near him.

Liar! Not even the real Xanderpuss would admit to being Xanderpuss.


Quimberly Clitorostropolous.

The Rather Secretive Chap Who Once Fingered Me in the Loo of a Sainbury's

From The Eastern Hemisphere, With Some Warm Feelings

This is perfect because LL Cool J has been pretending to rap for years!

Actually, blind respect for beliefs is idiotic. Not all beliefs warrant respect. I'd go so far as to say that the only belief worth respecting is one rationally and logically founded on facts.

Not far enough, I say.

And the show is called Downtown Daddy not Downton Abbey.

Much to his consternation, the regard he received was ever insufficient.

The A.V. Club

The next Austin Powers should be a Thai ladyboy.

I'll have a go at squeezing her box.


Yeah, tragic.

The A.V. Club

It's funny because it's so insulting to Italians!

Finally the emancipation of the trailers of hotly anticipated movies from the greedy clutches of the Popcorn Mongers begins! Never again will we allow those tantalizing teases of future blockbusters to remain the sole possession of Big Screen, who uses them as a tool to lure you, my fellow cinephiles, into their