
I'm not your buddy, pal.

Odenkirk is just trying to keep all the improv comedy for himself!

It's 80's… TO THE MAX

Moisture is the essence of wetness, and wetness is the essence of beauty.

This is like a holocaust of warm childhood memories.

You done good, Internet. You done good.

Nobody cares that you took film appreciation in community college!

After she recovers from dehydration, that is.

I got a Pull Blurp notification for this?

If anyone had told me in 1998 that the director of Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels would be making a pretty good Sherlock Holmes film 11 years later, I would have voiced a concern about watching Sherlock Holmes roughing up Victorian miscreants in slow motion while spewing snarky dialogue being too much.

The A.V. Club

Al Foil.

How fun!


Coogan is actually a decent actor.

New Girl with a thirst for vigilante justice.

File under: Things that didn't need to happen.

They didn't have streaming services in 1995.

But the only thing available on the service is what they play on the TVs on display at Target stores.

Too soon.