
The Final Solution… for comedy!

That's why I used "public domain" and not the definite article!

Encino Man 2: Paleolithic Boogaloo

Public Domain Birthday Song: The Movie

Despite being public domain, Universal will barely be able to break even with these properties. Nobody cares about these monsters anymore and Bela Lugosi is dead.

Take that sailor talk to The Dissolve, mister man.

You shut your damn lying mouth.

Universal should have bought into the Bazooka Joe universe when it had the chance.

*grabs balls*

At long last, the identity of the gluteal Mona Lisa has been revealed. It should come as no surprise to anybody that the inspiration for the Booty Bard's "Ode to Butts" was the only significant cultural contribution Lopez has ever made and will ever make. Indeed, her best work is behind her.

There is nothing more American than the doctrine of preemption.

It has smaller asses orbiting it.

Butts lol

Ghostbusters II!

That is the obvious answer.

Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't Boondock Saints do something similar? Will this show be like that but without all Catholic mumbo-jumbo?

Featuring the hit songs:

The one for Mulholland Drive was kind of a lesbian screen saver…

Emphatically agree. Blade Runner needs more love.

Rapier wit I know of none.