
Great job, Internet 4Chan!

JFK dies in the movie!? But he's the title character!

"The reaction’s been 100 percent positive. I’ve had a lot of 19-year-olds
tell me I’m hot, which, bless them, is super. But what can I say? They
go, “You’re really, really hot” and I go, “Thank you. You’re really,
really 19.”


The promise of the Digital Age has finally been realized!

CTL + ALT + DEL stops your heart. I do not recommend.

Hey family, let's all gather around the television and watch Tori Spelling dive into mental illness!

Definitely not enough Crang avatars out there. Well done.

Who else would be so desperate to escape the misery of their existence by living vicariously through the lives of the absurdly rich and pointlessly famous, clinging to a cruel lie named the American Dream where everyone has a chance to be absurdly rich and pointlessly famous with enough moxy, botox, and sheer

Time dilation is a bitch.

It wasn't that long ago they were as adorably inseparable as Patrick Stuart and Ian McKellan are now.

That sweet Drumline cheddar, yo.

We can only hope.

I can't wait to see the episode where Nick Cannon visits the new home that Mariah Carey buys with the money she wins in the divorce settlement.

What is her weakness? Coal mines?

I don't know anything about juxtapositions. However, sex positions…

What are the immortal words of the Queen Mary, Alex?

Take that, The Man!

The Charlton Heston Hanging Dong Appreciation Society