
I get it now. "Great job, Internet" is meant to be viciously sarcastic.

Get out.

That seems like it would be more suited for John Waters. He revels in the depravity of humanity and all its perversions. Plus, he's already successfully directed a musical.

*pours one out for Geocities*


Fuck Chris Brown.

Hitler… he's so hot right now.

And like ebola, this song may have the side effect of bleeding from the ears.

It is your right as an American citizen to lick all the doorknobs you want.

American politics 101. You're late. Please have a seat and open your text to Chapter 1: How the Election Cycle Exploits Blown Up "Crises" to Manipulate Voters.

Firefighters use the same principle when fighting wild fires with more fire. In this case, something awful (ebola) will be fought (and be used as a vehicle to make more money) with something equally, if not more, awful (Bob Geldof's latest stool sample of Western guilt tinged, Anglo-centric,…

The film will be barely tolerable in a theater near you.

Arby's roast beef sandwich.

The Waxing Lobby begs your pardon.

Burn! Mr. White should make a note of that lest he forgets!


This joke needs a flowchart.

Yet, they complain the loudest. Young liberals are the worst.

Murphy Brown.

It's easy. Just say "wolf tits" while sneezing.