

Chicken dinner!

Riddle me this, Batman! What frequently updates but never improves?

This post is not about Batman.

The Crimson Tide

This comment brought to you by the letters "L", "O", and "L".

The Golden Soufflé Rothschild

Bravo for The PJs reference.

He can if she's cooked in a fucking dirty kitchen!


Another 48 Hors D'Oeuvres

Trading Kiches

Or the time that she sent Fidel Castro a lock of her hair in exchange for putting an end to the Cuban Missile Crisis.

It's this one weird trick…

My thoughts exactly. Also, the "one of each" line at the beginning was golden as well.

Oh, look. Someone did that thing where they took the theme music from one show and put it over the title sequence of another show.

You'd expect the one from Manila to fold under pressure.

There should a new feature made called "Some Shit I Found on The Internet". Let's leave "Great Job, Internet" for truly deserving entries. Please and thank you.

That's implied by the username, no?

He got what he deserved.