
You can dere-lick my balls.

The A.V. Club


And some justice.

$47,000,000 a year seems like a lot of money but a lot of that gets eaten up by the cost of neck doilies.

Oh, so that's what he's from!

If that's the case then you're very far from familiar territory, and somehow manged to post a comment on the Internet without viciously attacking the President with a level of vitriol usually reserved for actual monsters in human history.

Oh, I didn't forget. Fuck that monkey.

I thought for a second your were going to Jim Crow this bitch with that joke.

Yes, the biggest problem that this project has is taxonomy.

"It was the best of times, it was the blurst of times."

I'm just glad, for the monkey's sake, that the guy is not a big Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom fan.

But recreating Outbreak would be much more topical.

Gah… that will translate well to film.


In all seriousness though, I hear that they're going to bury Joan in a plot adjacent to where her vagina was buried decades ago.

Whoa, whoa, not cool, man. Only Simpsons characters can joke about that. Otherwise it's racist.

Good god, that's really a thing!?

Lisa Lampanelli has been aping Joan's stuff for years. She just took out the endearing quality of her work to make it her own.

That's a bingo!