
Resistance is futile.

If it's a crime to enjoy a good electronics joke then I'm guilty as charged.

Kazaam 2: Wait… what!? They really made a sequel?

It matters when the would-be president would have been the oldest person to assume the Presidency. We could have been one myocardial infarction away from President Sarah Palin becoming a Kafkaesque reality.

Bionic, not undead.

If they want a truly terrifying political horrorshow, they could make a show that asks, "What if Sarah Palin had become the vice president of the United States?"

We all know he was undead in Kenya!

Somehow more eloquent than former President George W. Bush.

Kissing babies, and then eating their brains.

What a bunch of zombie clowns.

This president doesn't mind crossing the aisle… to eat brains.

He would like your support, but he would love your brains.

President Zombie

I had nearly the same thought. Except I was thinking that Liam Neeson is in his Charles Bronson period.

I could watch more of that for hours.

Syfy decided to not… make it so.

From Dr. Seuss' populist period.

Is that still a thing?

I'd love to! What is football?

Now that's some hot executive action!