
I bet the pitch went like this:

Don't worry. I'll see myself out.

My T.V. is broken and only one speaker works now. So I guess I'll be watching this in…


Fuck the NFL.

If they're going to start tagging articles as satire for those who lack the critical reading faculties to make that determination on their own we should be able to tag user accounts with an [Idiot] tag.



The A.V. Club

Now all Facebook has to do is to explain what satire is to those users who don't get what satire is.


Joke's on you, everybody! It's just going to be an updated version of "Ebony and Ivory".

Don't forget about the moral decay brought upon us by the game of the debased and depraved: SOCCER.

The A.V. Club: FUCK YOU, that's my name.

I get what you're saying, guy.

The giveaway that it was all a hoax was that Christopher Lloyd seemed to be driving a DeLorean as though it actually functioned. We'll have the hover board before we have a DeLorean that doesn't break down more often than former child stars reaching adulthood.

Don't worry. They only needed him to carry a synthesizer.

"Shame on me" happens to be the motto.

The Alley Behind a 7-Eleven 2014

And trapped in wooden barrels for years!?