
I will say I much prefer a title that keeps one artist throughout, even if it slows down shipments, over seeing a bunch of fill-in artists. Especially if they're not quite in the same style as the main artist.

Wolf #1 - Ales Kot reinventing John Constantine is a pretty great hook, and it totally delivered on my expectations. There were even a couple decent jokes. As a fan of Fatale, it's always nice to see California as a setting for some supernatural shit. I'm excited to see where it's going.

I just realized Oliver Sava single-handedly got me back into comics a couple years ago and basically tells me what to read. It's worked our great except for the hundreds (thousands?) of dollars I've parted with in that time.

This is a totally new idea and revolutionizes music. I couldn't be more excited.

Thanks, and damn. There's plenty of other Moore I haven't read so I'll get around to it eventually.

Is there a cheaper way to read Miracleman than $30 for a 4-issue TPB? Is it on Marvel Unlimited?

EM was pretty great until the very end, where BKV seemed to cram a whole arc worth of story into the final issue. That was a big disappointment.

Before the guards see you out, can you tell me how you make those little airplanes?

Mark Millar occasionally reaches greatness, but some writers really, really need editors just to say, "No, that's really stupid." I imagine his Marvel editors are just cutting out buttfucking scenes from his scripts all day.

Who is that? I think I tried to watch another show with him in it, and he was by far the worst part of it.

There are people who talk shit about Kristen Bell? I want to meet them so I can punch them.

Reminds me of a not-as-good Frank Quitely

Has anyone done memorable work on an Avatar book? It seems like where great writers go to make their most minor books. Actually, Lapham's run on Crossed was memorable in that it eroded some of the goodwill he'd built up with Stray Bullets and Young Liars.

Prediction: Rogen will gleefully play Arseface.

Marlo would call this "One of them good problems." I think for board gamers, it happens when you unbox a game and the rules just seem way too overwhelming to learn in a reasonable amount of time. My wife and I were trapped by an ice storm and finally learned CO2 after it sat on the shelf unplayed 8 months.

I want to get the Satanic sweater for John Darnielle, but I'm afraid everyone else is getting him that too. Also, I don't know him and he might be creeped out by my buying him presents.

I've been wanting to check out something by Lemire. Essex County seems like an obvious entry, but it's also a big commitment timewise and financially. Any recommendations for a gateway Lemire book?

*scribbling down idea for knuckle tattoos*

I hope to God they draw from Gotham Central for storylines. I'd love that show.

Still not sure about that, but I've definitely been thinking about the end of that show these past few weeks.