Push Back

2 Vampires 1 Cup (of zombie blood)

Evil scientists are pretty much supervillians, but Iron Man was the bad ass good version of that, he's more Batman than bitch-ass Superman. Psycho killers are bad ass too, but I need to make a much longer list.

I know, I off-the-cuffed that one…demons should be on there, also spies.

In the pantheon of bad ass shit, pirates and vampires are barely even in the top ten.

Indubitably, good show old sport.

Nosferadouche has a more pleasant ring to it.

is it just me
Why is everybody so fascinated with vampires recently?

Wait, crucifixion is bad?

The Future Is Now
You got pretty close to the right answer, Rappin' Rabin.

Did the have the 512 oz. Brachiosaurus Quencher cups?

In addition, Reese's Pieces have shown that you can produce peanut butter candies in bite-sized candy-coated form with spectacular results.

Prince brought them from home.

Apologize all you want, that stain ain't coming out.


Trial #2
Mega Man 3 was better than Mega Man 2. If for no other reason than Hard Man and his weapon the Hard Knuckle was unnecessarily dirty.


Randy Quaid runs the Griswold family and Amish country bowling lanes.

Rebuttal: Caddyshack II does not own. No Bill Murray, R. Dangerfield, or Ted Knight…be serious.

Ok, if we are going to put together the early Doseone/Anticon list it goes.

Hold on….let me redact that. Bongos are hip-hop, but my beatboxing comes hard with 808 bass and snares that will Push your wig Back.