Push Back

Bongos aren't hip-hop!!

IMO, Circle had its moments, but too often on that album he was tripping over his own desire to be weird. cLOUDDEAD he seemed a little more restrained. Also, Them was good, Themselves was too far afield.

In high school, I was a huge Doseone fan. However, everything after the original cLOUDDEAD album (which was a marriage of New Age and Hip-Hop) seemed like he was just spinning his art wheels and not going anywhere.

I beatbox when I'm drunk

mmm…Crystal Gravy

It isn't funny at all, but what is funny is giving someone the Oral Hershizer.

Go Away

Leaked isn't so bad, splattered is worse.

Same questions. This would give people watching the debate no excuse.

ongoing, summer-long color war!
Ice-T warned us about this in 1988.

Reiner. Martin. Cat juggling.

Eat. Digest. BM.

Not too soon.

you are the weakest link…goodbye.

yeah i said it
I say this in all seriousness, and at great risk of offending everyone here. I love Diddy. He is the best combination of completely over-the-top spending, thug-like business-sense, and mid-level celebrity that I want to look up to. Also, he had a major part in releasing Ready To Die.

Are you running a fever, FLICKER?

Bill O'Reilly is not any kind of retarded. The guy is actually a pretty intelligent dude.

I've seen some of Bill O'Reilly's "Bloopers" and if what happens on his set happens on others, that would probably not be the way to go.

Your team's first baseman is a pedophile.

you bunch of ingrates
Don't you know that Diddy runs the city? He runs the city for you the people, not for himself. Also, I want to be friends with Diddy, and be a member of his entourage.