kevin c cucumber

The CW has been pretty good about not pulling the plug on modestly performing shows too quickly so long as they're critically acclaimed, though unlike Jane and Crazy Ex-Girlfriend I don't see iZombie pulling off any awards wins. But the show is consistent in its ratings, doesn't look too expensive, and with the CW's

I think the possibilities are either humans within the FG operation that are sabotaging it, or a developing anti-zombie vigilante movement. And almost definitely not Vivian due to what she said about zombie-on-zombie violence. Vivian is probably not going to be a straightforward bad at all this season

Is it actually fair to say the actors didn't have success after the show? The brothers eventually landed a gig as Captain Cold and Heat Wave, Sarah Wayne Callies has been on 2 cable shows now, Robert Knepper seems to pop up pretty often, etc.

I absolutely loved this show but I'm kinda glad about this. It feels complete as is, and I'm not sure how many more gags they could have squeezed out of married life

The Shadow King basically rewrote many of David's memories. Benny and Lenny were both real based on the fact that other people knew they existed, but any memories David actually has of them may or may not be real/accurate

Presumably that was when they were opening for Descendents, yeah? I could see that crowd not being fans

I love the ongoing joke of Jane being awful at the things Gina Rodriguez is good at

And Rafael was able to have a chance because Michael helped the prospective adoptive mother of Jane's future child hide her involvement with her husband's murdered best friend (God, this show), because he really didn't wanna deal with the kid

It has to be the worst for fans of Diarrhea Planet

I'm furious that PUP hasn't come around to my city since The Dream is Over came out

Based on Urman's statement, it sounds as though the decision to keep him on longer coincided with (in my opinion) the loss of his personality. Early on, and in sporadic moments throughout the rest of the series, he was shown to be goofy, analytical, and occasionally very controlling and jealous. They were all very

I think some of the best ideas they had these last 2 years were the Memberberries (linking political nostalgia to empty pop culture nostalgia remains brilliant, even if they forgot them later on) and then Whole Foods and SoDoSoPa from the previous season. Choosing to target the culture behind politics is much better

Had I seen the Kelly part play out in real time, I might have laughed at the absurdity of it, but been very worried about the show long-term. I enjoyed a lot of this season, but the first season had a much better balance of tone. The return to the cabin especially hit the perfect mix of horror and comedy. I don't

These 1.5 hour long episodes remind me of Sons of Anarchy near the end. That's not a good thing, especially since this show may not be near its endgame yet

I think you missed my favorite line of the episode:
"I've got 8. But I know how to make it feel like 5"

I buy all the evidence I've seen for this theory so far. Something is definitely off about their scenes, and this is the explanation that makes the most sense to me. And I don't think the ending of the episode disproves it yet, until we know with more certainty that their experience with Dolores is in the present

Paul may ditch her again when he realizes Lindsay is almost definitely not pregnant

I agree that the mistreatment of Edgar is getting cartoonish, but I also think that it means we're going to get some great payoff to that storyline either this episode or next. I think maybe we're heading towards a version of this show where everyone is slightly more mindful of Edgar's feelings, so the writers feel a

Somewhat shockingly, people outside the internet don't pay that much attention to Lena Dunham. Otherwise Girls (which I enjoy for the record) would get much higher ratings. I think there's a good chance he has no idea who the hell she is. He hasn't responded, and I think it would be hilarious if he never did.

Alan Sepinwall has acknowledged the theory for weeks. I believed it was a mental institution, so prison threw me for a bit of a loop. But it was a very, very widespread theory