kevin c cucumber

The timing was really bad, just like putting the Morgan flashback from TWD right after the dumpster fiasco. I'm with you there. But just like that Morgan episode, I think that when you look at them alone they're some of the better episodes from either show. The real filler episodes IMO are always the "here's more

The pseudo-intellectual babble that was in MoS and BvS makes me think that 14-year-old is also insisting to his mom that his Hot Topic wardrobe is "not just a phase, you phony!"

The budget for this one wasn't quite as high as BvS, but I feel like the marketing campaign was so big that they also had really high expectations here. If they don't outperform projections with this movie, I have to wonder what happens to the rest of their slate

Is the music really his fault? To me, that reeks of the studio trying really hard to fight the tone issues of MoS and BvS. Maybe they realized that this movie has even more of the nihilistic, nonstop destruction that plagues those movies, and put in all those songs in a last-second, failed attempt to change the tone

I didn't feel that way about it, but I also think it wouldn't necessarily be accidental on their part to make it seem like nothing has changed

Just finished my binge. What a show. Absolutely no drop off in quality from season 2. Once I've fully registered all the heartbreak, I'll probably just start watching again to be honest. Episode 4 has been singled out as a highlight and deserves every bit of praise it's gotten, but I have to say episode 11 is also

The gang agrees to meet at the diner. With so little time left in the episode, we know that this is where we get the conclusion to our story. Ted puts on "Don't Stop Believing" by Journey for everyone to listen to as they arrive. As everyone enters the diner, we get a shot of Ted's face, followed by a shot of the door

Setting an end date definitely has the possibility of resulting in a better show, but until AMC can get a new set of successful shows, it's not going anywhere. Keep in mind AMC will be finishing Mad Men very soon and just finished Breaking Bad

No I just summarized an angry Lost fan's view of Lost in a single sentence. I was saying that the mysteries only mattered because the characters they were happening to mattered to you as a viewer. Try watching Helix and tell me you give a shit what's happening onscreen.

It's really depressing to me that people were so quick to turn on the show because they didn't enjoy the ending. Viewers today are too caught up in how things end to appreciate the journey itself. I didn't enjoy season 6 very much as a whole (though I did enjoy the finale, probably mostly due to the fact that I always

If we came from babies, then why are babies still here?

Well his death scene was pretty cool, when he tried to outsmart Raylan with his knife trick but Raylan saw it coming from a mile away and shot him.

I'm seeing that I'm definitely not alone in my desire for coverage of Gargoyles. It's a tremendous show that I might enjoy more now than I did as a kid. I love Dragon Ball and DBZ and if there's a way for you guys to say anything significant about them beyond debating everyone's power levels I would devour everything