
No, getting a break in comedy is just extremely fucking hard, period. And writing rooms are hostile places full of people who are scared every day working there is going to be their last.

Reboots ain't nothing new. They rebooted Beau Geste like fifty times.

I don't mind a new actor and new creative vision and putting him back in high school but I'll be damned if I'm gonna sit through the fucking origin story for the hundredth time.

You're all forgetting Mike Post's masterpiece, the theme to the Rockford Files.

They're all just really awful shows.

Devo 2.0, Disney, etc.
The only thing I could think when I read that paragraph is.. What did you expect? It's fucking Disney, you know they're gonna whitewash everything, you know they're going to make it completely safe for young children, you know they're gonna look for every possible negative connotation that

Jeepers Creepers is one of my least favorite Mr. Show sketches; if you want to talk about a sketch with one joke that quickly wears out it's welcome, I think that's it.

Hell, Abraham Lincoln was a professional wrestler in his early frontier days.

I'm incensed that they had an opening for a redhead with slightly feline features and didn't cast Lauren Ambrose. What the fuck, Showtime?

It's Bakshi or nothing as far as I'm concerned

She was great on Larry Sanders.

I'd blame King of the Hill more than Futurama, since there was an exodus of amazing Simpsons writers when KOTH started up. Futurama didn't steal nearly the amount of talent.

You mean, there's zero incentive except for the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission laws that like 50% of programming has to be Canadian in origin?

"Get the fuck in there, Clarabelle"
Throwing a clown into the mix as the mobsters are arrested at Rideland has to be one of my favorite throwaway gags of the series.

Freida Pinto
Is one attractive lady, but if I wrote a short story in high school and gave a Latino character that name I'm pretty sure I'd be send straight to the principal's office.

For one thing, if the picture of the male is in any way odd looking, people here will run with it. Mercilessly.

I'm guessing it's a Macbook battery. Those things cost like $120

If you want a REAL creepy middle-aged-guy sings about getting laid 20 years ago song, I'd check out "Oh What A Night."

That's cool, just don't confuse fuzzy warm nostalgia feelings for the comfort-food entertainment of your youth with actual quality.

Well.. He is the daughter of Mitzi Shore and stands to inherit one of the top comedy clubs in the country. Take those things away and there's a good chance you'd see him on the reality circuit.