Gui Jambon

The more time passes, the more I'm convinced that "Citizen Kane II" is one of the crown jewels of Michael O'Donoghue's SNL output, even more so than "The Last Voyage of the Starship Enterprise" (wonderful as that is, its impact has been blunted by the sheer quantity of Trek parodies over the ensuing years, and will

Well, not the last Nick the Lounge Singer - Murray brought him back a few times (even bringing Paul Shaffer with him when he hosted for Jean Doumanian the following year), most notably as the cold open for the 25th Anniversary Special (where he sings the hell out of Springsteen's "Badlands").

May as well join the lovefest pile-on and say that I've loved, loved, loved these reviews, Donna.  There's a hell of a lot of great writing on this site, but these and your NewsRadio recaps are among the things I've treasured above all.  And, considering how difficult writing about comedy in particular can be (lest

Written by the great George Meyer, btw.

I have to say, cool as it would be to see Buck return to SNL in some capacity, I have a lot of respect for his decision to stay away after the original cast and writers split (the same kind of respect I have for Bill Clinton for resisting their repeated entreaties to make the requisite good-sport cameo that seemingly

One mild dose of physic.  That, sir, is a goddamned thing of beauty right there.

For any of you who wanna dip into the Lampoon legacy without spending exorbitant amounts for dog-eared forty-year-old back issues with the Foto Funnies pages stuck together, now dig this:  http://archive.org/details/…

That first paragraph came directly from the first Lampoon album, Radio Dinner (that and "If dope smoking doesn't damage your brain, then how come so many teenyboppers think Cheech & Chong are funny?" seemed to be their way of marking territory by pissing on the studio-based comedy album competition).  You may already

If you're referring to the narration, I'm pretty sure that was deliberate - an amped-up version of the carny-barker aspects of Mondo Cane (and exploitation films in general).

Like, uh, you know, where's the key joke?  Y'know, like the Firesign Theatre always has an off-the-wall joke about the key or the lid or the mic or something like that, y'know?  Hip drug reference, y'know?…

No he's not.  That's Richard Belzer doing a Mel Brooks impersonation.

I got one from eBay for less than ten bucks not long ago in pretty good shape, so it can be done.  (I also snagged near-mint copies of the first nine issues - all of 1970 - for less than fifty bucks [and issue #1 alone tends to go for at least three times that].  I mention this only because this is the first place

Joy of Sex was supposed to be a Lampoon movie, but they pulled out (ahem) when John Belushi, who was contracted to star in it, croaked.  (He was apparently going to play a single character from infancy to death in it.  Perhaps the only merciful part of his passing is that we were spared the sight of Big John in a

See if you can get it at a reduced price.  Like Phil said, it stops pretty much at Kenney's death, even though there's some good (if depressing) material in the Lampoon's slo-mo Battan Death March in the eighties and nineties - one of their contributing editors in the early eighties turned around and wrote up a brutal

I believe he played the giant boxing kangaroo, didn't he?  Not the title character - the title character's nemesis, the one with the Jewfro and the pronounced slouch.

"Interesting" fact: this episode, which, as mentioned, won the writing Emmy that year, was written almost entirely by Lorne, Chevy and O'Donoghue, who, in reaction to the comparatively weak second Bergen episode, decided to stick around 30 Rock over their Christmas break and write.  (And what material didn't make it

One of my favorites.  Well played.

Hulu, Netflix streaming… the usual places.

Actually, the payoff to the runner is that there is no payoff to the runner.  Palin's bishop appears once more, mentioning that he will be in the following show, and never appears again.

Chris Gaines?