Gui Jambon

B - ? Yoinks. SNL die-hard over here, but man, this was a pretty miserable episode all around, Mooney/Bennett piece aside (and it wasn't all THAT great). (Kate McKinnon continues to be the show's MVP - always adds something amusing to every single role she plays - and Bobby Moynihan runs very close behind, but their

Oh, I don't know - I could see her frequenting one after her breakup with David Lynch, just to make Bob's Big Boy jealous.

Self-insertion? Yikes. Sounds like something out of a Cronenberg reboot of American Pie.

Why don't you - oh, I don't know - WATCH ONE AND MAKE UP YOUR OWN FUCKING MIND?

I was just gonna say the same.

In fact, they apparently ran Pryor's "wino/junkie" monologue unedited too, and hell, he used the "N" word, like, four times in that one.

Well, to be fair, punchlines are pretty hard to pull off. Monty Python was practically founded in opposition to the requirement that every comedy sketch had to have one (which meant that a lot of well-written sketches tended to end on a labored or sour note) - of course, plenty of Python sketches had great punchlines

I'm sorry, what I meant to say was - this show sucks now and I haven't watched it since college and it hasn't been funny in (5/10/20/28/38.9) years and Lorne doesn't know what he's doing and I miss the old days when the real greats were on like Anthony Michael Hall and Melanie Hutsell and Peter Aykroyd and Emily

The format appears to work fine thus far.

Ah, but it's not the same without the seamless segue into "Bridge Head (Part 9)." (Thus Spake The Pedantic Indie-Nerd.)

My favorite story about that movie, which says so much about the Golan-Globus aesthetic if anything does, is that they hired Diamanda Galas to overdub the voice of the main killer Ninja assassin and let her write her own Japanese dialogue, expecting it to be something along the lines of "Hello, I am the main killer

A classic. "Player of the pink oboe," indeed…

A not-unreasonable way to finish off The Greatest Sketch Comedy Show Of All Time, in spite of its flaws (the abrupt cut-off at the end in particular; if the long sequence of Terry J wandering towards Stonehenge were cut, the Ursula Hitler sketch would have fit in nicely). A few random notes:

The only known sentence in the English language incorporating both "Christina Hendricks" and "flat."

I trust it's not too late to change the title to the one God always intended: RACK FOCUS.

Pish. I'll agree that there are some glaring dead spots throughout the third series (not helped by the fact that large chunks of a couple of episodes were forcibly removed for various reasons, and the stitch jobs show), but there's Dennis Moore, the Olympic Hide-and-Seek Championships, "The British Show-Biz Awards,"

I was going to post that. Maybe one of the greatest jokes in post-2000 comedy.

Yeah, that little motherfucker is tasty.

He also tosses in a(n) R(oger) Corman shout-out, which no one (including all known lyric sites) seems to notice…

That was a pretty phenomenal sequence, almost worth the way the show deflated thereafter. (Why they couldn't have dragged it out a while longer - the series' central mystery solved but a lot of suspense and unanswered questions still in play - I'll never know.) And another great example of TP slipping seriously