Gui Jambon

Rhonda Weiss!

Most likely the show wouldn't have outlived 1975.

"Minute Mystery" is a great sketch (and all the visual non-sequitur props in it come straight out of O'Donoghue's personal collection, speaking of kitsch).

I just realized that he looks like his Fridays/Seinfeld colleague Larry Charles there.

The first five seasons are there in their entirety on Hulu Plus and Netflix.

…and that Noo Yawk voice was that of one Larry David.

She and Aykroyd were in Second City together and had a double act back in Toronto (and their own weekly show on CBC radio) before SNL started, which is probably how she got the call to do the first show.  Apparently, they were the fastest and funniest improvisers around, which is really saying something considering

A deliberate echo of his score for Woody Allen's Bananas.  In fact, I think they use large swatches of the real thing here and there.

I second that emulsion.  Beautifully done, TVDW.

I am personally acquainted with a gentleman whose name… whose real name… is STEEL SACKS.

Some others I just thought of:

Hey, fun.  My nominees (excuse any and all redundancies):
Soft Boys, Underwater Moonlight - "I Wanna Destroy You"/"Kingdom of Love"
Minutemen, Buzz or Howl Under the Influence of Heat - "Self-Referenced"/"Cut"
Wire, Chairs Missing - "Practise Makes Perfect"/"French Film (Blurred)"
Sex Pistols, Never Mind the Bollocks -

I suspect Heller has waited 22 years to use the phrase "pulped angel corpse" in an MBV review. If so, then that, too, was worth the wait.

Agreed.  It flails the hell around after that and falls the hell apart completely at the end, but it's the first indication that the guy who wrote the screenplays for Grease 2 and Who's That Girl? would eventually be capable of writing something as good as The Newsroom.  (The real Newsroom, that is, not that other

Agreed.  It flails the hell around after that and falls the hell apart completely at the end, but it's the first indication that the guy who wrote the screenplays for Grease 2 and Who's That Girl? would eventually be capable of writing something as good as The Newsroom.  (The real Newsroom, that is, not that other

Best trailer ever.

Best trailer ever.

That's right, David was on the writing staff the same year that Short was in the cast.  Short had a slightly more successful year than David did.

That's right, David was on the writing staff the same year that Short was in the cast.  Short had a slightly more successful year than David did.

It'd actually be a pleasant-enough song were it not for those HIDEOUS keyboards during the chorus.