
You can thank Melson Mandebula for that

There's also Required Pneumonia, which is generally contracted intentionally as part of an initiation into higher a tier of a gang, gentlemen's fraternity, or secret boyscout sect.

Yeah, it tooks me like 10 minutes of staring at that picture to realize what was wrong with it. I was just thinking, "Filled with sadness, huh? So taco bell's telling it like it is now. Bold Move."

I heard she'll be freestyling on the track.

Aww boy, I'm just so tired of all these Star Wars!
Frankly, I'm of the opinion that three times is exactly how many times a titular line should be spoken in a film.

They got the Golden Arches, mine is the Golden Arcs. It's completely different!

Rush: "This question is for Miss California: Why do liberals want to DESTROY OUR COUNTRY?!"

Frankly, I would've watched a rerun. I turned off the clip show.

I've heard it will raise your spirit and your soul to much more higher heights.

Wow, Canadian prom, eh? Sounds fun, though I imagine it's rather exhausting listening to Nickelback for 4 straight hours.

Come on people, Chuck looks good compared to every other hour-long NBC has, but is Chuck really that good? Like 80% of the episodes have the exact same formula (We have need to obtain/protect random plot device X from some disposable baddies, then have a poorly choreographic fight followed by a dramatic moment!). …

@Proof - I like all of your ideas, but could we somehow work in claire getting a "super powerful auto immune disease" that continually eats away at her skin, while leaving her perpetually alive in a constant state of skinless agony? I really think that could spice up the relationship elements you've proposed.

@ricin - Not that the saints have a much better chance of beating the colts, but considering that they were able to put enough pressure on Old Man Farve & co. to send them into a self-destruction shame-spiral, I can only imagine how much that would be magnified up against the Colts.

For real, was the end just a terrible homage (read: shot-by-shot remake) to Terminator, or the did writer/director see Terminator while wasted, forget about it, and then come to think it was some sort of ingenious fever-dream he'd make into a movie?

Also, God's apparently an indecisive manager of Michael-Scott-Level-Incompetency according to the movie, since he both started the apocalypse, and made a magic baby to stop it for some reason.

A very accurate portrayal of religion…
In that, the premise is self negating, God's decisions and edicts seem to be completely contradictory and/or self defeating, and it requires complete suspension of disbelief to wrap your head around it.

Good movie, but I think McConaughey did a much better job playing the that bald villain guy in The Fifth Element.

"-Jennifer Connelly tells everyone she has to return to her own planet, followed by a note explaining that she dies on the way back."

Law & Order: Law & Order

@toupee - ""Person in a Snuggy' sounds like a lazy Halloween costume. "