
Ew, gross guys, I just gagged! Save it for the locker room (which is where I can only imagine such things would normally occur (to my disgust, obviously))!


@Chartex - Come on bro, just cause you have virulently right wing children it doesn't mean you can't go!

WTF "intriguing stuff…in the horror genre" did M. Knight ever release? The 6th Sense (his only defensible flick) is arguably more a thriller, mystery, or suspense flick than horror. It is exactly horrifying as Patrick Swayze's Ghost. As for the rest, Christ, let's not even go there. Oops, just got killed by a

He's old and it's on AMC. Asking him not to watch would be like asking a paranoid middle aged white person not to watch Fox news.

I'm sure all the other ad age reporters that frequented drinking-working-lunches back in the day would back Mad Men's portrayal, had they not been killed off by heart/liver/DUI related incidents in the 1980's.

Topical, and obligatory. Well done.

Indeed, Time would do well to litter it's pages more more casual profanity and crass hyperbole.

Indeed, KB, you've proven that you are the ruler of all exceptional rules, exceptionally, man.

Well then he just sounds like Southie Boston Kid Vader. Not all that ominous…

Personally, I would've gone with "The robber got away with more than enough money to buy the matching pants."

A better question is, if you were the teller, and Vader was unarmed, and he just demanded the money under threat of "otherworldly force", would you do it?

Episode III
Would've been way more awesome if it ended like this.

Well, for me, it was the comment about the Triscuits that threw me over the line. The war, 9/11, be-headings, etc., sure, uncalled for clearly. But goshdarnit, there are some things a person just won't stand for. I mean, have they even tried the Rosemary and Garlic or Cracked Pepper variety? They're simply

Is that a muffler joke?

Hmmm. Lost me at "My ex is British". Would've read the whole thing if you'd started, "My ex is British, and has a hook for a hand".

Jesus, I feel bad posting around so many pre-1980'ers, especially on account of the Logan's Run clause in the new health-care bill. Ya'll best burn you're birth certificates fast, just like Obama did (though not for the reasons everyones' suspected).

Eddie Murphy in a fat suit and Eddie Murphy in a slightly fatter fat suit, and with a southern accent.

Awwww, this brings back fond memories…
…of the time I went on a first date with a girl to see Austin Powers II (electric boogaloo), and hated on that movie so hardily throughout that I managed to anger everyone sitting around me.

Obligatory list of less notable gangs in The Warriors, besides The Warriors:
The East Dallas Razzle-Dazzlers
The Not-So-Tall Boys
The Torn Stocking Tramplers
Mama's Family
The Pittsburgh Pirates
The Apple Dumpling Gang
The Five Jims and Their Respective Little Brothers.