
Joe Mathlete doesn't like Bright Eyes
So I don't either.

We should replace this column
with one written by Joe Mathlete.

I don't understand it either. I thought Will Ferrell was one of the last comedians frats and arts could agree on.

I know exactly what the pitch must have been
"It's 'Curb'… in the hood!"

Strek = Streak + Trek

Joe Mathlete > The Hater
Jus' sayin'.

It is "meat."

Pizza for people who love to meet new people. Brilliant!

Oh, and "gentleman's lunch" thing wasn't part of the episode
It was a very awkwardly placed nano-sode (or something) which was basically a Christmas-themed AmEx ad. Why they would place that directly before the first act, I have no idea.

Carville's cameo was brilliant. Easily the best all year.

Blake Lewis

Formula for success!
Cera + Cross + Ramis + Jack Black on a good day * Judd Apatow = Instant gold!

Flight of the Conchords got a nom
/The Distant Future/ for "Best Comedy Album"

If I know the 18-35 male demographic like I think I do, the ratings would only go up if that last scenario were played out.

This isn't relevant
But I was wondering if we could see a Crosstalk on the ending to No Country for Old Men? I loved it but evidently gazillions of people out there in the interwebs hated it.

Naw mad, that's the make of the van. Like the 1978 Bitchen Traveler. Now THAT was one bitchin' van.

I haaaaaaate those Best Buy commercials
They celebrate everything that is wrong with humanity.

Tina Fey is soooooo hot
This episode both gave hope that I, a young gentleman, may one day hook up with the sexiest of all librarians. Raaawr.

By the time I find the newest edition of this feature, it already has at least 80 comments on it. What the heck?

No Country for Old Men
Best movie of the year fo sho, and my second favorite after Hot Fuzz.