
Yeah, this interview is too short and has too few pictures.

I bought this the day it came out
Of course, I was sorely disappointed at the utter and complete LACK of special features. But hey, at least it has all twelve episodes! And that's all I really need.

Gettin' paaaaid
I think we all forget that MUSIC is what matters. As long as the music is still good, I don't mind him making some more money off of it.


I'm watching this one again
Right away.

I don't want a US spaced
Hell, I haven't even seen the UK version yet! As a huge Shaun/Fuzz fan, this saddens me dearly.

Jason Bateman
Unfortunately, looks like the first good movie of his to hit theatres will be Juno. He deserves better; he was brilliant in AD.

Sonic does not = hick shithole.
Not always, anyway.

How I wish I were in NYC for this
But I gotta say, why hasn't Comedy Central greenlit the Shmaily Shmow to replace DS during the strike?

Nice interview
But I want to know if Mel will ever be a FotC fan again after switching her allegiance to the Crazy Dogggz!

I haven't seen the new show
But I absolutely loved Tom Goes to the Mayor. The Beartraps episode is one of the best things ever to grace a television screen.

is only slightly more tolerable than chatspeak.

Holla. I feel ya.

Here's a video of Craig Robinson on keyboard and backup vocals for L. Witherspoon (played by Jerry Minor) performing the same song they played on Sketchpad on Bill Maher.

I think he deep down liked it, but it didn't mesh with his creative vision.

I really want to see this movie now
I'm glad it's getting positive reviews. Steve Carell is one of my favorite comedic actors today. Get Smart ought to be fantastic as well.

I just re-watched the therapy scene
That might be Alec Baldwin's best acting job EVAR.

Musical talent
Creed's not the only musician in that awesome Dunder-Mifflin band: Ed Helms was part of the a capella group at Oberlin and Craig Robinson plays keyboard for his comedy music duo. I saw them on Sketchpad on HBO once.

That was pretty brilliant. And the therapy scene was INCREDIBLE. This season seems to be getting better as it goes along.

Me liked it
Really great episode, and I think having a weaker mystery helps prevent it from becoming a procedural of sorts. Great story and writing, as always.