
Mad Men wins Golden Globe
A.V. Club orgasms all over the place.

Midnight train to Georgia
Not only did I forgive it, I loved it! It felt like a Harold, where everything is tied together at the end with a game (in this case the game is a spontaneous song).

Not everybody can be as brave as Johnny Satan and announce to the whole world how comedy-defunct he is.

That was pretty awesome.

If this movie
Were Tracy Morgan by himself improvising for an hour and a half, I would go see it.

As much as I support the writers
I feel bad for people like Nikki Blonsky, who are missing out on living their dreams of red carpet awards-show glamor for the first (and maybe last) time.

Yeah, I thought it was almost too quirky for the first 15 or 20 minutes but it settled down and was ultimately an excellent film.

Conan has been doing a great job this week
Tonight he played a full song with the band, and it was really enjoyable.

Leno is awful with or without writers. Conan probably feels really uncomfortable with having to cross the picket line, but he made the best of it. I enjoyed last night's show and I imagine he'll come out with more on-location pieces of him just goofing off.

Superfluous photoshop
I have to imagine Blake Lewis' album was a close second.

That was a great line.

I liked it… pretty much.
But I thought some of the music choices were ridiculous. I would give it a solid B.

Conan's probably better without writers
His filmed on-location segments are the best part of the show.

I wish I were back in Chicago
There'd be a good* chance I would come across that DVD!

"If Your Hands Were Metal That Would Mean Something" is a Mystery Science Theater reference.

Sorry, two mentions. Just one vote, though. I have no idea how Fallout Boy can beat out The Shins EVER.

I can't believe it
Just one mention of The Shins? Did everybody forget that it was released in January or what?

Idiocracy is off da hook. Like f'rreal.

No Shins + Fallout Boy
= list invalid

Flight of the Conchords got a nom TOO!
That's a cool, unexpected nomination.