Joss Whedon working as a lumberjack in the Canadian hinterlands, trades crude quips with his fellows. Suddenly a helicopter lands near by, Clark Gregg gets out and walks towards Whedon.
Joss Whedon working as a lumberjack in the Canadian hinterlands, trades crude quips with his fellows. Suddenly a helicopter lands near by, Clark Gregg gets out and walks towards Whedon.
Chronos is my favorite one-shot villain… in pretty much anything. Considering how little screen time he gets, they establish perfectly that he's slowly and then very quickly going insane with power. Two-bit hoods who suddenly have powers beyond their wildest dreams is a classic DCAU trope, but I don't think they did…
Kurt Russell's "Yeah, fuck you too!" in The Thing is the perfect mix of despondency and intractability. It sort of encompasses the character of MacReady as someone you may "beat," but who will simply refuse to lose.
The best part of 9/11 truthers is the arguments they have among themselves (Did the planes actually hit the towers or were they holograms? Was it the government? The Israelis? The Israelis who control the government?) The "reasoning" becomes more and more insane the longer the debate lasts.
It seems odd to live in a world where Michael Keaton remains the best live-action Batman (Thought to be fair to Kilmer and Clooney, they didn't have much to work with.). He had a take on both Batman and Bruce Wayne and he made it work.
I decided long time ago that they pretty much cast Batman at random from a list of white male actors.
I'm a non-horror/slasher fan, but I still really like the trailer for this. Added Lou Reed's Perfect Day to the music collection right after.
"John Carpenter has cited it as the main inspiration for Big Trouble In Little China"
If you look at all Jackie Chan movies as the story of an immortal police officer name Jackie who really needs to settle down, than Project A is the best possible origin story .
Line for line, "The Deep South" is the best pure comedy episode of Futurama. It gave us such quotes as, "Sweet Zombie Jesus," "Ocean Madness is no excuse for Ocean Rudeness," "They're called land sea lions, I tame them," and of course, "That just raises further questions!"
It isn't a classic Harrison Ford ad lib unless he somehow fits "hell" into it.
If I can tie Pitchfork to actual reporters, this fits a larger trend in the media where people speculate instead of investigate. Investigating being so gosh-darn hard and you don't even have to leave your office to make wild accusations.
Hey, Dodgeball was funny.
The first Machete was tonally all over the place. Rodriguez tried to tie a satire(?) about immigration onto a grindhouse movie and ended up getting nothing right. Hopefully the sequel will just go complete goofball.
It's rare that DVD commentary enters my friend circle vocabulary, but what would have been the Joker's line after he sees Batman calling a pig Wonder Woman, "Calling it off boys!" has become an inside joke to recognize when a situation becomes absolutely ridiculous.
“Ain’t No Hat 4 That,” co-written with actor dad Alan Thicke"
Early Woody Allen definitely comes off as the oeuvre of a silent movie star where the same character appears in a different high concept in each movie- this week Woody Allen becomes a tinpot dictator in Bananas! Don't miss Woody Allen heading off to the future in Sleepers!
Very low-key finale for the season.
Having Benedict Cumberbatch play Assange in that wig would make perfect sense for a Funny or Die video.
I'm somewhat bemused that Matt Groening removed his name from "A Star is Burns" considering that episode is better than pretty much than a decade of episodes with the Groening thumb of approval.