
Trial of the Century actually means Trial of the Decade. But where's the money in saying that?

Of course I do. It's easily the best thing McG every directed.

"I love procedurals. Police procedurals, sure—Ed McBain’s 87th Precinct books are my favorites. But really any kind of stepwise, methodical portrayal of how something gets done. How It’s Made. Sherlock Holmes and Agatha Christie. Journalistic “tick-tocks.” Rube Goldberg comics. Song Exploder. This video about Wilson

Note it was Sam Mendes, not the studio, that left the deal. While the movie might be commercially successful, Mendes is concerned the movie will be rendered artistically pointless by the documentary.

Kanye 2020 is off to a rocky start.

Good episode, but I'm disappointed they satirize my favorite moment from The War Room (though the scene does appear in The Bunker). In the original, Bill Clinton is trying to make phone calls while James Carville and George Stephanopoulos refuse to shut up in the background. Clinton's inability to have his staffers

So you started a gossip site but with a snobby, self-important, better-than-thou attitude? In other words, a gossip site?

"The encyclopedic I Can’t Believe It’s A Bigger And Better Unofficial Simpsons Guide, for example, lambasted the script’s supposed lack of a message, viewing its treatment of fairground folk as nothing but malicious."

Year One is great. It just happens to have been heavily influenced by a decade of Batman books done by company men that have somewhat been forgotten while Miller became one of the rock stars of the industry.

On one hand this is a terrible idea.

Am I the only one to notice the look of fear in Jimmy Fallon's eyes when he appeared on The Late Show, knowing that he has met his better?

And Hopper's kid had him play Super Mario Bros. during filming, which made him think, "What the hell am I filming? This has nothing to do with the game!"

The kind of creativity mixed with drama found in "Three Stories" would only be reached again with House's Head/Wilson's Heart. After that, it was clear the show had lost direction with the characters as House started repeating actions and Wilson started to behave randomly in Season 5. It's a shame too, because I do

What's fascinating about L&O's view of New York City and current events is not its accuracy (it wasn't very accurate) or quality (it wasn't very good for many of those years) but how perfectly it captured the perspective of a Giuliani-Bloomberg voter. It was the New York City they thought they lived in, never mind how

Jim Henson Company Official Statement: "We're not making a Labyrinth sequel at the current moment, because we hate making money."

I'm one of those people who tend to be annoyed about comparisons between movies and books- A movie has to stand by itself, which means it also gets to fall by itself outside of expectations given to it the novel. But boy, even if I wasn't so pedantic, this article really takes the cake. I doubt the novel (which I have

I'm upset because I now know what would be the perfect movie, not possible in our universe, but hopefully in the infinite possibilities of space and time, happening in some other place- It's Gone Girl up to the scene in the hospital, where Peter Falk's Columbo enters the movie with just one nagging question that ever

"(no pun intended—seriously)"

The bad news is that we can't bring Jackie Chan to the small screen.
The good news is that we can't bring Chris Tucker to the small screen!

This would also mean The Simpsons is canon inside Marvel Universe. Because he really did become the Incredible Hulk. Once.