
"John Fucking Adams"

I like to imagine when Shelly Duvall was being shouted at by Kubrick on The Shining set, she would let her mind wander back to Popeye and a smile would appear on her face- nothing could be worse than being in a Popeye movie.

I originally read the headline as "Longmire cancels A&E" which has been a long time coming. I mean, we're talking about a lot of cheap stunts in the last 10 seasons.

"All going to plan."

Apologies if this is mentioned below, but it should be constantly mentioned as the article missed THE BIGGEST change in documentary plots. The Thin Blue Line was originally going to be about a Texas psychiatrist who specialized in court work and often testified that the defendant was a dangerous sociopath, no matter

That's a sitcom episode plot, not an actual sitcom hook.

The best book on duels (though it's mainly a history of swords and sword fighting) is By the Sword by Richard Cohen which includes the story of a duel by hot-air balloons.

I swear this tune plays in my head more often than any other 90s pop hit besides Ace of Base "I Saw the Sign"

My friends and I concluded that the actual movie was the most expensive attempt ever to flirt with a girl name Bridget (Hey, let's introduce a super-cool older girl who has her name mentioned repeatedly for no apparent reason!)

sleepyirv, are you one of those pretentious snobs who thinks Heavenly Creatures is Jackson's best movie?

I'm glad AV Club is giving Gene Shalit work by having him write their headlines.

Die Another Day was far more embarrssing.

As a youngin' in '94, Ace of Base is the only band that really takes me back to that era (the good music of the time, Nirvana and all that jazz wouldn't be my cup of tea for another 8 or so years).

When Nicki Minaj thinks about the early 90s, she thinks of Sir Mix-A-Lot and MST3K- Just like me!

Look, counting fake news articles as short stories really stretches the term "story." Even as a news story, it wouldn't really count as they are not things people will argue on cable news nights on end.


The big culture war over "political correctness" in the 90s so has politically unaffected the decade really was, even during the nastiness turn to partisanship with Newt Gingrich. The biggest problems being whether Bill Clinton lied about sex or proper terminology.

"Fox doesn’t have very much to gain from re-releasing the old Star Wars movies, especially since it would just help promote Disney’s sequel."

When I think about how much technology has progressed in my lifetime, I never thought about Halloween costumes were in that category until now.

As long as it's terrible, the 2014 will follow the venerable traditions of its forebears.