Ken Cosgrove

I wish I was taller!

Honey, it's your son, I think I ordered way too much…we had eggrolls, we had sushi, we had beef, chicken Szechwan…

A wizard did it.

Yes, but what have the Romans ever done for us?

Just wait till the finale when Pete fakes his death, changes his name to Phil Paper, and moves into a whorehouse.

I think I get what they were going for, but I just couldn't manage to care about the Don-Diana storyline. It was the least interesting aspect of the episode.

Gad is a cad, but Crystal is visceral!

Well, I am his dad, and I want you to finish Season 1 by Sunday! Do you read me, Buster Brown?

I think seeing comments like this is why it has been sitting unwatched in my Netflix queue for the longest time.

Toy Story 2 was just okay.

You would know, Mr. Biehn.

But my mom says I'm cool!

The guy rhymed esophagus with sarcophagus…he's on another level.

! !

I guess Signal 31 and Signal 32: This Time It's Personal, For Real Ya Jerks will remain forever unwritten.

So far I've got "All work and no play makes Ken a dull boy" for 354 pages. I think I have a hit on my hands!

I hope to get the T-800 cybernetic eye to replace my missing one.

Thank you robot man!

An eye for an eye, Roger!

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How do you do the strikethrough thingy?