Ken Cosgrove

See you in Hell, motherf*ckers!

A Rush of Blood to the Head was my JAM in high school. Parachutes was great too. Needless to say…I was not very popular.

Hey AV Club, now eventually you do plan to have, uh, rock bands, on your list of best rock bands? Hello? Yes?

Cranston, Odenkirk, Bill Burr, Badger, Gomez, & Huell is a stand up, right?

How about the law school sketch he did with Michael McKeon on Mr. Show:
You come in here with heads full of soup, when you are done with law school, your brain will be like a steel trap with the bloody foot of Law inside of it.

He really turned his acting up to 11 for that scene.

Dibs on using DJ Reverend Richard Wayne Gary Wayne as my official DJ name!

This just in: Space Pope plays Soap or Dope

I'm PRETTY sure he was the bad guy in Iron Man 2.

She is playing the lead in the Murder She Wrote reboot.

Redundant 2: This is the title of the movie that is a sequel to another movie named Redundant
-Directed by Perd Hapley

The spin-off, Tangent, pretty much has nothing to do with the original story.

They Call Me Mista Cos'
Got flow like Nas
Produce like Roz
I pile up the cash in large amounts
I'm Ken
Drops Mic

Dibs on We are Cosgrove! DUN, DUN, DUN, DUN, DUN, DUN, DUN!

Guys, do you believe in Changs? And if so, do you believe what those Changs tell you about other Changs?

Don't worry about it. He's in jail now!

You vacuous, toffee-nosed, malodorous pervert!

Great moment! Marnie & Mr. Feels deserve each other.

Maybe they were trying to show how the rest of the country viewed him at this point. But I do miss those monologues.

Pirates of the Carribbean 8: You're a Crook, Captain Hook