Ken Cosgrove

Hey, last time I checked, human flesh is Paleo!

Ahh, I see, said the one-eyed man. So this Slim Jim isn't the imitation beef jerky product endorsed by one Macho Man Randy Savage.

I feel like I am missing something here…How exactly does a Slim Jim open a locked car?

It's a show dog, dude. You can't board it, or its hair falls out. F'ing dog has f'ing papers!

He doesn't do much for me.


Ditto this. It was like a funny 5 minute sketch stretched to a full episode. Key was good as usual. And this season has been strong, so I can't complain too much.

Don't forget Mac's cat eyes in The Nightman Cometh. He's going for gasps!

Nonsense! We all know Blair Witch Project was directed by M'Night Shamallama.

It was just so bizarre. I took 5 years of French, had a French foreign exchange student stay with me for a month, and went to France and the accent seemed so bizarre.

Nothing can absolve the film of Jodie Foster's accent. I could not figure out what it was supposed to be the whole movie, and the fact that it seemed overdubbed just added another level of distraction. Foster is a good actress, but she should stick to Basic American or Southern accents.

Chappie Five is ALIVE!

Woody Allen could use a second set of eyes on him at all times. Especially family reunions.

I really liked the ending montage set to "Don't Stop Believin'" - but what was up with the sudden cut to black? Who was that guy in the Member's Only jacket?

Was anyone disappointed there wasn't a return cameo from Mark Brendanawitz? Anyone?

Loved Birdman, Gone Girl, GB Hotel - American Sniper was much better than expected. However the AVC writers need to get over their PT Anderson thing. Inherent Vice took a great cast and made a movie that was a combination of garbage and nonsense (garbsense).

Let's Go Blues!!! Maybe Jacques Plante will get a nom next year!


The Newports send their regards [stab stab]!

Failed firsties are the third most deplorable thing one can read on the galactic internet - only slightly less aggravating than depressed robots and Vogon poetry.