Ken Cosgrove

Dammit, he spoiled the Khaleesi/Jack Sparrow wedding! [Throws trash can through window]

D+: the subtle man's F

The Virgin Suicide Squad

Mrs. Cos asked me the same thing while watching it last night!

I am fluuuuuuuuuuuuushed with caaaaaaaaaash!

Why did Leslie ditch the bangs so fast? Was it cause Ron didn't know what they were?

Good lord! Here's hoping this season sees April dressing like this consistently. Kenny likey!

I loved Justin Long's delivery of "Whaaaat?" when he figured out Lance was proposing.


I totally agree. Hollywood doesn't like to take risks, but then it likes to give itself a huge pat on the bat when it finally does way too late. It's like "look at US, how progressive we are for giving a [insert minority here] an award."

Hey, you don't like it? Go to Russia!

Lets see uh, Bart's friends, well there's the fat kid with the thing, uh, the little wiener who's always got his hands in his pockets!


Feels like I'm wearing nothin' at all…nothin' at all…nothin' at all.

"But my mom says I'm cool!"

@smitty well played sir! You are truly in your prime!

Mad Men? Never heard of it.

Matsuka becomes a robot! Maybe Dexter gets a cellphone. Has Bautista ever owned a bear?

Makes sense, since many people start "experimenting" freshman year of college….

I heard 789!