Ken Cosgrove

If his character was retarded he would be a shoe in!

As a gay mathematician, can you tell me which numbers are gay? 3? 11? Pi?!?

I'm confused. Is Hollywood the ultra-liberal Sodom of Western civilization, or is it a racist old boys' club?

Could have included Nathan For You too. Some of those episodes had me laughing uncontrollably throughout and having to rewind multiple times to hear over my own laughter.

You sir, are a formidable opponent!

Fincher directed the shit out of gone girl. Big snub.

Cause it sucked. But I see your point, AVC loved it.

Cuaron won best director for Gravity.
12yrs a Slave won best pic.

Upvoted because I imagined Stephen Colbert saying it. Downvoted because it reminded me that The Colbert Report is over and everything I love will die.

So..the Simpsons is Mad Men now?

#spincycle #delicates

Well, I am white. So…yes.

Touché, or as we say in the Show Me state, "tushee".

I live in Missouri, and I reposted this article to my facebook. If you don't see me comment again in the next 24 hours, go to the police.

But how does she fell about ANDREW Garfield?

"I'm just a normal everyday cop. I can't believe I have been in a hijacking situation 7 times, all while on vacation!"

He won't be able to unless they give him at least 36 hours notice.

No. Are ya prone to blackouts?

I think he meant "John" in the sense of they regularly visit prostitutes.

A trucker? Are ya prone to blackouts?