Ken Cosgrove

Goooooo Dik! You have single-handedly ended millions of years of being weirded out by gays!

So…YOU'RE the one who knocked up Wendy!

U Talking DNA Splicing 2 Me?

I don't care!

They were actually bigger than Jesus Jones.

Me too! Glad I'm not alone…in that sense at least.

I mean, it's not as bad as its AV Club reputation would have you believe, but the whole thing feels like a fan fiction. It's really worth watching only because the cast can elevate the material.

S5 was not consistent, but there were some great episodes. S4 was actually the most consistent season, it's just that it was consistently bad.

Welcome to the Hart side of the force.

I'd like to show her my one eyed monster.

I never would have guess Anne Hathaway had a secret dong, and that it was uncircumcised!

It makes sense if you think about it from a 5th dimensional perspective, man.

Aaron Staton got gypped on best performance for Mad Men!

Thank you! I came here to say the exact same thing! Maybe Last Week tonight was better as a NEW show, but not better as a show in general. You see it makes sense if you…[head EXPLODES]


Don't you Understand? You gotta do the safe picture. Then you can do the art picture. But then sometimes you gotta do the payback picture because your friend says you owe him.

Ben Kingsley is the Treasurer and Undersecretary of these meetings.

Then what happens? Is there heaven in middle-earth?

Don't be rash, let's take a wait and C4 approach.

Dammit, the terrorists have won!