Ken Cosgrove

Ohhh cool! What happens when they hit 200?

I do feel like Ringo gets dumped on too much, but I'm a fan.

Like my mom taught me, the best way to be a "cool rebel" isn't to skip school and do drugs - it's to get straight "A"s and eat your vegetables.

It's all very subjective. John could do some incredible things with his voice too. Paul's virtuosity is pretty damned incredible.

Really? I always saw John as more of a Mac guy.

I read it like a Forrest Gump line. I may not be a smart man, Jennay, but I know what love is.

I thought he was a Dunadan with royal bloodlines, and that is why he only appears to be half his actual age.

Up For Debate: McCartney was the best Beatle at playing every instrument. He could guitar better than John or George, drum better than Ringo, slap dat bass, and his voice was also the best in the band.

Let me do all the replying to your comment:
Commenter1: Oh I didn't know we started the hipster backlash against Guardians already.
Commenter2: How soon do we start the backlash against the backlash?
Commenter3: Maybe he was just giving his HONEST opinion about the movie…jeez guys
Commenter4: Falls back on memes/in jokes

Considering some of the comments here about a throwaway Drax line, I'm surprised people aren't upset about Quill's mistreatment of imaginary CGI lizard-rats in the opening scene.

I'm a big Nolan fan because he'll never do 3D. And when you only have one I you need to get the MAX of the experience. But seriously, I was in about the 2nd row. It was intense.

The docking scene with the space station when it was spinning like crazy was also awesome! It had my palms sweating for sure.

Nice LADY!

The original Sean O'neal was replaced by a Snarkbot-1000 with human flesh encasing a metal endoskeleton. But perhaps I've said too much…

The AV Club
I was making a Simpsons joke

Don't blame me! I voted for Senator Manilow!

"I am the W.A.L.R.U.S." —John

Exactly! I like his deliberately non-PC attitude. A lot of comics try to make the same jokes, but without the same bluntness.

He's got me trying to kick pigeons in the park every day.

Whoa whoa whoa, bub. The AV Club is a Christian website funded on Biblical coding. That's why you'll find "John 3:16" written on the bottom right corner of all AV Club pages.