Ken Cosgrove

The way he cuts through marketing BS is so funny and perfect.

He's like your racist uncle that you don't agree with at all but can't help but laugh at his jokes.

LOL weird side-hair lady…should be the title of her next special.

Yeah, everyone knows what caused the riots there was…REEFER MADNESS!

2013 was so good. From that Best-Of list, I went on to make the greatest Spotify Comedy Playlist the world has ever known!

Source Code 2: *_**_*__* Oh wait, that's Morse Code

Achievement unlocked: MacGuyver Badge

I love that these fan edit versions are a foregone conclusion at this point. Note to Jackson and George Lucas - you need a good editor!

Morgan then smiled and said "This could be Rick-sy business, but it's Grimes Time!" Then he did a cartwheel.

Oh my god, they killed Kinney!
You bastards!

"Morgan's Fair Child"
"Morgan: Free Man"
"Morgan Creek (Runs red with blood)"
"Tracing Morgan"

Don't forget that episode of Star Trek you penned.

Personally, I found those Tweets to be tone-deaf and Cleo-patronizing.

And as for the stationary bike, I assumed it was either not plugged in (which would still provide resistance) or hooked up to a battery so that she was actually generating electricity.

Did anybody on the internet get a good screengrab of that? I need it…for…research.

I don't know what's more egregious, adapting The Hobbit as a twelve minute short, or as THREE WHOLE 2.5+ HOUR MOVIES.

Mine is "Wake Up Dead Man"

Yes, Mr. Sherman, everything stinks.

He's a funny stand up, but maybe that doesn't translate well to making a funny sitcom.

Have no fears, they've got stories for years!