Ken Cosgrove

Still love you, Homar.

Zissou, I think that one folds nicely into #2. Okay, there are officially 4 versions of Andy Bernard. Let it be written…let it be so.

I almost did, but then I remembered I had Mrs. Cosgrove sitting next to me. Damned lack of peripheral vision!

There's three things I don't do okay:
1. Karaoke
2. Reggae
3. Refer to Dave Matthews as "Dave"

How many Andy Bernards were there? This was the general progession, although he did flip around to whatever was convenient to the plot.
1. Super Competitive, anger-management douche (punching a hole in a wall)
2. Sweet but clueless doofus/bro (cuckolded by dwight/tricked into dating a high schooler)
3. Toothless Michael

Speaking of Amy…what a great scene with her in that gray tank top. She caught my eye like a GM executive.

I guess you could say, it was a good thing he stuck to his GUNNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seconded! I loved the loud pipes, and I don't think any important dialogue was missed.

This is Göering to cause quite a controversy.

Dammit Zero! When someone asks you if Ghostbusters is funny…you say yes!

I googled her, then saw "born 1969". I'll have what she's having!

Community is the show our 5th dimensional future selves created for us to watch.

We have a saying around here: "Get used to it, Hitler!"

@action52 you are forgiven, although one could argue that SA so incontrovertibly came across as a cool guy that it fits your pedantic parameters.

"I can…elevate…fun…ass"
-Battlecar Compactica

They missed the chance for a great Priceline product placement.

Because Batmobiles, I mean tumblers, get hit by rocket launchers and Batman can't wait around at jiffy lube for it to get fixed.

Maybe it's just me, but for me, Scott Aukerman seems like a cool guy.

I did not, and my name is ALSO Jake!

It's the most they could ask for, after your accident in shop class.